Reserve your Spot at the Reunion!

We are looking forward to seeing many of you on June 25 here in Redlands! If you'd like to reserve your spot, we now have this form that you can download and mail in with your payment. Reservations will be accepted between now and May 31.

For those of you who know you can't make the in-person reunion, but would like to participate in the virtual reunion, here is what we're asking you to share:


Your contact info (address/email/phone/social media):


                May we share your contact info with other employees?    Yes    No    It depends


Family news - Spouse/significant other/children/pets:


Employment after AIS:


Notable accomplishments, travels, etc.:


Favorite AIS memories:


Questions or comments: 


Just email Janet at with as much of that as you care to share - or more! Photos would also be fun for everyone to see (hint hint).

Thank you! We can't wait to hear from you!